Take your healing into your own hands.

This 15-day challenge is about embracing your authenticity, self-validating your emotions, and fostering growth in the aftermath of putting yourself last.

It's your turn to be loved correctly, starting with you.


It's time to put you first...

What you will learn:

  • How to Find Yourself, Again
  • Morning Routine for Peace
  • How to Stop People Pleasing
  • How to Meditate to Decrease Anxiety
  • How to Clearly Define Your Purpose
  • Steps to Healing the "Not Enough" Wound
  • And more!
Join the Challenge


Free Bonuses:

Only available while enrollment lasts:

  • Self-Crowned Journal (Free!)
  • Self-Crowned VIP Community(Free!)
  • Self-Crowned Affirmations(Free!)
Join the Challenge

No one can love you if you don't first, love yourself.

Join the Challenge

What customers are saying...

“I used to struggle with saying "no" to people, even when they didn't deserve my 'yes'. The Selfish Season Challenge helped me build the confidence to find my voice and let anyone go who felt threatedned by it.”

Katherine Shen

“Being a mother and a stay-at-home wife completely burned me out. But I learned through my Selfish Season that it was only because I didn't keep myself as a priority. I no longer struggle with the guilt and shame of 'letting people down'. I'm finally taking care of me.”

Sarah Miller

"I wish I'd come across this information years ago. I just began learning how to set boundaries, but the Selfish Season Challenge instilled them as a part of me. I finally feel like I'm living, instead of just existing at the mercy of everyone else's needs.”

Heather Langley

To get something different, you have to do something different. 


The time is now. You deserve this.